24 February 2009

The Rules

It has occurred to me, rather belatedly, that I ought to work out what giving up chocolate means, given that I'm guessing that I've already done it. The husband made pancakes with chocolate sauce for pudding this evening: the sauce was a bit odd, so I actually passed and just had lemon and ice cream with the second pancake. There is (to my knowledge) no more chocolate in the flat, and I've known him long enough to know that the husband won't have thought to buy something for me to eat just before midnight, so I've given up chocolate several hours before I meant to.

Giving up chocolate has to mean not actually eating chocolate, or anything with chocolate in it. In order to avoid silly distinctions, I'm guessing that it has to mean nothing chocolate-flavoured either.

My husband's family tend to regard 'giving up chocolate' as shorthand for giving up all sweets, biscuits, cakes and desserts, and also not eating between meals. This is clearly silly, and would almost certainly result in multiple fatalities one way or another - which I think the husband accepts, as he was trying to persuade me not to give up anything at all a couple of nights ago. So I think I'm just going to give up anything containing or tasting of chocolate, and review the position in a week or two to see whether I've actually managed to improve my eating habits or just swapped a chocolate habit for wine gums or soft mints.

The husband actually believes that you get Sundays off during Lent - but then he does church stuff, and I don't. So this is it, until Easter.

I guess the problem is that chocolate isn't really the problem. I want giving the stuff up suddenly to make me into the kind of person who has a shiny, tidy, fabulous life. I'm not sure if accepting that it won't before I have even started is realism or defeatist.

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